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Special welding engineer
Joining technologist
Material scientist

DI (FH) Georg Kirov, MSc IWE

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Freelance Scientist - Light Metal Center of Excellence RanshofenField: Material Science


Research Fellow - Light Metal Center of Excellence RanshofenField: Joining Technology


Company foundation of SAGOS-Engineering

Operating as international welding engineer

Operating as Judicially Certified Expert Witness




Talks & Poster-Presentations




DIPLOM INGENIEUR | Material and Processing Technology (Focus on metal)
University of Applied Sciences Wels


International Welding Engineer


MASTER OF SCIENCE | Metal and Plastics Technology

University of Applied Sciences Wels


Qualification of Judically Certified Expert Witness.

Spezial field:

57.11 Aluminum products for production and use of cast and wrought materials

57.15 Other metal ware for production and use of cast and wrought materials for magnesium alloys

57.35 Metal forming, metal compound for mechanical joining, self-pierce riveting and bounding of mechanical materials


  1. General projects in the area of simulation „Numerical implementation of joined connections for crash behaviour” term 2011 to 2013 

  2. Format „Low-heat welding of light metal components“ term 2010 to 2012 

  3. Format „Flat products of light metal for the use in vehicle drive chains“ term 2010 to 2013

  4. EFRE „Design and concept development of assembled light metal system components“ term 2014

  5. Comet „AdvAlue Adcanced Aluminium Application within Eco-Transport” term 2010 to 2014

  6. Comet „Advanced methods for optimised forming and joining process technologies for high strengths 7xxx alloys within automotive application” term 2014 to 2018

  7. IWB „Creation of multi layer materials and multi layer design“ term 2016 to 2018

  8. IWB „Development of auxiliary joining component, additional materials and optimized joining processes“ term 2016 to 2018

  1. A. Schiffl, G. Kirov: "Grain fining of magnesium and aluminum alloys with SiC-Particle"; Gießerei-Rundschau 56 (2009)

  2. A. Schiffl, G. Kirov: "Grain fining of magnesium and aluminum alloys with SiC-Particle"; Gießerei, 04 (2010)

  3. S. Ucsnik, G. Kirov: "New possibility for the connection of metal sheets and fibre reinforced plastics"; Materials Science Forum, 690 (2011)

  4. J. Österreicher, G. Kirov, S. Gerstl, E. Mukeli, F. Grabner, M. Kumar: „Stabilization of 7xxx aluminium alloys”; Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740 (2018) S. 167-173

  5. B. Milkereit, M. Österreich, P. Schuster, G. Kirov, E. Mukeli, O. Kessler, “Dissolution and Precipitation Behavior for Hot Forming of 7021 and 7075 Aluminum Alloys”, Metals 2018, 8, 531

With Proceedings-Entry


  1. M. Kumar, G. Kirov, F. Grabner, E. Mukeli, O. Kessler "Sheet forming processes for AW-7xxx alloys: Relevant process parameters"; Speech: Thermec 2016, Graz; 29.05.2016 - 03.06.2016; at: "Thermec 2016", M. Kumar, G. Kirov et al. (Hrg.); (2016).

  2. S. Ucsnik, G. Kirov "New possibility for the connection of metal sheets and fibre reinforced plastics"; Speech: 5th International Light Metal Technology Conference, Lüneburg; 19.07.2011 - 22.07.2011; at: "5th International Light Metal Technology Conference", (2011).

  3. G. Kirov, F. Grabner et al. "Numerical and experimental investigating on adhesive joint parts for crash applications"; Speech: 13. LS-Dyna Forum, Bamberg; 06.10.2014 - 07.10.2014.


Without Proceedings-Entry


  1. G. Kirov "Numerical investigation of rate dependent adhesive bounds"; Speech: 7. International adhesive conference, Wr. Neustadt; 24.10.2013.

  2. G. Kirov, A. Birgmann "Heat assisted self pierce riveting for high strength light metal alloys"; Speech: EUROMAT 2017, Thessaloniki; 17.09.2017 - 22.09.2017.

  3. G. Kirov, A. Birgmann, „Heat assisted self pierce riveting“ AIT poster auf den LMT 2018 Linz


G. Kirov, A. Birgmann, supported by Light Metals Technologies Ranshofen

„Method and device for fastening at least two workpieces“ 
Application for European patent December 2016,

and application for international patent January 2018

2019-to now


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+43 660 5294016‬ |

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